Mollie Mathews


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My writing routine

Date: 13th November 2023, Posted by mollie

Readers often ask me, “What is your writing routine? When you write, do you plan or outline ahead?”

When it comes to my writing routine, it’s a little bit of both. I have found that having a structured approach helps me stay focused and productive. I like to start my day with some quiet time for reflection and brainstorming. This helps me gather my thoughts and set clear intentions for my writing session. Once I’m ready to dive in, I make sure to create a comfortable and inspiring environment to work in, whether it’s outside in the garden, a peaceful corner of my home, or in my ‘dedicated’ writing room. As I am also an artist, sometimes I also enjoy writing in my art studio and being inspired by my paintings (many of which feature in my art-related love stories.)

As for planning and outlining, I believe it’s essential to feel passion and excited about the story before delving into writing a book. I’m more of a discovery writer in this regard and don’t spend a significant amount of time developing my characters, plotting the story, and outlining the major plot points first but come back to this later.

Then I create my lovemap. This not only helps me stay organised but also ensures that my story has a solid structure and flows smoothly. However, I always leave room for creativity and spontaneity during the writing process. Sometimes, unexpected ideas or plot twists emerge as I write, and I embrace them to keep the story fresh and engaging.

Ultimately, every writer has their own unique routine and process. It’s important to find what works best for you and adapt it as needed. Whether you prefer strict outlines or prefer to let the story unfold organically, the key is to find a balance that allows you to tap into your creativity while also maintaining a sense of structure and direction.

Do you agree?

Mollie Mathews photo of the author with rainbow

Posted in: Mollie's Blog

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